In the early days, Lions Clubs were known for their broom and nut sales. Today Lions Clubs organize a variety of fundraisers from a turtle derby to golf tournaments to carnivals, etc.

Below are just a couple of the Maryville Lions Club fundraising activities:

  • Nuts & Bolts – we sell nuts and bolts to attach license plates to your vehicles either directly through Lions Club members or at the Blount County Courthouse Offices where you get your car registrations.
  • Belk Charity Sales – About 3 times a year the Belk Department stores have what is called a Charity Sale where they allow non-profit organizations to sell $5 off coupons where the purchaser gets $5 off merchandise on the specific date of the sale.  The organizations are allowed to keep whatever proceeds they make from the sale.  You’ll often see Lions members sitting at a table in the store during this sale period.
  • Pecan Sales – Yes, the Maryville Lions still sell nuts during the Fall every year.  We start taking orders probably in the October time frame – watch our Latest News Releases for the order forms in mid-late Fall.
  • Butter braid Breads – Yummy Butter braid pastries are available year round.  There are a variety of flavors ranging from Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry, and more as well as an herb bread that is great to use as an appetizer.


We are considering some new fundraisers so keep returning to our site for updated info on what we’re up to!

NOTE:  All funds raised go back to the Community through our charitable contributions.

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